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MyGov Idea Box

Start Date :
Jul 15, 2019
Last Date :
Jul 30, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
An open and free-flowing discussion forum where you can share your valuable ideas and suggestions on any subject of Governance and Policy-making, ideas which will help in building ...
Sir/Madam ,
In this fast paced changing world , Our country also need to progress by keeping that pace . My concern is regarding opening of market post globalization liberalization reforms government is slowly giving control to big MNC's and big players like Even in Vegetable selling . If even vegetables are being sold in malls , online delivery etc than how will the street hawker survive ? Their one and only employment is being taken away and they are helpless...every year one or more Vegetable commodity hikes and who takes that benefit everyone knows . Their must be a policy of what goods can be sold online or in malls ...save these poor vegetables hawker life ,give them a true and fair chance to earn beard for their living and dignified life. Policy should also be in public domain and spread awareness .
If the above idea is not feasible due to "freedom of profession" enshrined in constitution 19(1)(g) than their must a minimum guaranteed income for their survival.
My self P Janamejayan from Tamilnadu. I want to share my ideation works related to banking sector & digital India(upi).
Vision to reach directly to the prime minister of india . via MY GOV idea box contest
Here by below i attached the PDF for your view
There are a lot of Long standing problems facing people not only in India but also in abroad. There are multitudes of people around the globe who don't have enough to eat, lack acces to clean water or are simply prevented from elevating their socio- economic status.
improved through online courses and robots, while the economy can be strengthened through transformative tools. Healthcare can be managed using technology tools, resulting in improved patient outcomes and savings for hospitals. Senior isolation can be alleviated through video conferencing and telepresence. Public safety can be improved through face recognition technologies and peer-to-peer emergency communication. Safe drinking water can be provided through large-scale monitoring devices, Drone services and e-commerce.
Developing country like India under expert guidance and monitoring of Centre Govt. Policies is moving towards excellence in many fields. Salute to 'Mann ki Baat' and 'Pariksha pe Charcha' by worthy PM.
Respected PM Shri Narendra Modi ji with your help I can change the whole living and thinking of every person by one App. All the bad things corruption, theft, robbery, riots, everything may be stopped. You are aiming 3rd economy in next term but I am thinking about 1st in your next five years. I need only 10 minutes meeting with you from your busy schedule. Thank you. Jai Hind
पुलिस में रीफोर्म बहुत ही जरूरी हैं।
पुलिस की सेलरी डबल करो ,पुलिस की संख्या डबल करो, पुलिस की ड्युटी के घंटे कम करो, पुलिस को भी अन्य की तरह छुट्टियाँ दो उनके अच्छे रहनेका और बच्चों की मुफ्त पढाई का इंतजाम करो ,पुलिस को भी मिलिट्री की तरह ही ट्रेनिंग दो,आधुनिक हथियार दो,आधुनिक साधनों से सज्ज करो।
भ्रष्टाचार खत्म करनेके लिए।
मिलिट्री ट्रॅनिंग देके एक सख्त एन्टी कंरप्शन का नया डिपार्टमेंट बनाओ जिसका काम सिर्फ सभी दफ्तरों में जाकर भष्ट्राचार ढूँढना हो, डिपार्टमेंट को हर राज्यों में भ्रष्टाचारियों को पकडने का टार्गेट दिया जाये। लोग शिकायत नही करेंगे क्योंकि लोग जानते हैं ज्यादातर किसी भ्रष्टाचारीको सजाही नही मिलती और अगर मिलती भी हैं तो थोडे दिनो में वह वापस छुटके भ्रष्टाचार करने नौकरी में आ जाता है ,अगर डिपार्टमेंट के लोग ही जनता में जाके जनजागृति बढायेगें और खुद भ्रष्टाचारी को ढूँढेगे तो बहुत फर्क पडेगा और कोई भ्रष्टाचारी पकडाता हैं तो उसकी सारी संपत्ति जप्त हो,उसे जेल हो ,उसके फोटो हर जगह चौराहे और दफ्तरों में लगे।अगर ऐसा होता हैं तो जनता शिकायत करने आगे खुद आयेगी।
Sharing of salary among partners in 60:40 Today many women as housewives do their jobs but in society, people do not understand the importance,and now if some men work as househusband then society does not give value to them because in society there is a mindset that people work for any organization or for other people and they get paid for their works are only considered as a job. We need to change this mindset because any man or woman if they manage the family is also a job that is much harder or equal to any normal job.To give importance to all such housewives and househusbands we need to respect their work. By sharing salary in 60:40 among them, society should realize their importance to the nation. Sharing of salary means the salary that workers get should be divided into a ratio of 60:40 the salary gets divided and gets to both partners' account.If this scheme is implemented then we solve the distribution of financial differences between gender and also get reduced. some refoms..
मोदी जी अच्छा काम कर रहे हैं हर चीज वर्ल्ड क्लास बना रहे हैं में उनके काम से खुश हूं पर मेरी एक गुजारिश है कृपया हमें वर्ल्ड क्लास लॉ बना के दे , और न्याय कम समय में मिले । ,जिससे क्राइम कम हो । पुलिस को अच्छी चीज़े दी जाए और सुविधा भी दी जाए इस पर एक बार जरूर विचार करे
Regarding national highways and their toll collection, most of the complaints are about the toll companies that are collecting excessive tolls, more than the investment they have made in road construction, or whose agreements with the government regarding toll collection have expired, so I strongly recommend setting up a special CAG Committee to audit toll companies. Believe me, it will be the biggest scam since the independence of India.
2021 में 8.22 करोड टॅक्ष पॅयर थे उनमें 7.50 करोड लोगो का इं.टॅक्ष शुन्य था सिर्फ 72 लाख लोगों ने ही टॅक्ष भरा था सोचो अब इ.टॅक्ष की क्या जरूरत है ? दुनियाभर के टॅक्ष और इन्कमटॅक्ष 30% तक हो लोग टॅक्ष चोरी ही करेंगे।
टॅक्षचोरी, भ्रष्टाचार, कालाधन परअंकुश लग सकता हैं । और खतरनाक मानसिक त्रास और भयानक पेपरवर्क बंद हो सकता हैं।
1). वन टाइम जीएसटी लागु करे। कंपनीयों से निकलने वाली और हर नई चीज पर एक ही बार जीएसटी लगाये। चाहिए तो 2% जीएसटी बढादो लेकिन बार-बार जीएसटी की झंझट हटाये (जीएसटी क्रेडिट, रिटर्न, कंम्पोझीशन जैसी झंझट हटाये )
2).बैंक के हर डेबीट ट्रांजैक्शन पर 0.5%से 1% टॅक्ष लगाये और इन्कमटॅक्ष, प्रोफेशनल टॅक्ष जैसे सभी टॅक्ष बंद करे।
3).फिरभी अगर इन्कमटॅक्ष लेनाही हैं तो,
ऊपर के 1).और 2). नंबर के पोईन्ट रखकर 5 लाख रुपये के ऊपर कितनी भी इन्कम हो 3% फिक्स टॅक्ष लगाये।
अभी जीएसटी रिटर्न, क्रेडिट, कंम्पोझीशन की झंझट और किसीका जीएसटी नंबर ना होनेसे हजारों करोड़ के बील ही नही बनते।
ज्यादातर समय इन्कमटॅक्ष बचाने के चक्कर में इंकमटॅक्ष से ज्यादा अकाउंटन्ट की फिस ज्यादा हो जाती हैं।
PM's defining Independence Day address to the nation - enlightening Bharat awakening the masses
1. Set right, Congress's long standing false and deceptive narrative about India achieving Independence only by virtue of the party's effective negotiations with the British as portrayed by Dr Maulana Azad in India Wins Freedom, ignoring the sacrifices the part played by the armed revolutionaries led by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
Please refer to Prof S C Sengupta 1982 book INDIA WRESTS FREEDOM written as a counterblast to Maulana Azad book, wherein he has shown how freedom was WRESTED from the British by the mass struggle and direct action initiated and led by Netaji - "to put in proper perspective and to stress the part played by revolutionaries whose contribution official history is inclined to ignore."
2. The abiding importance of Bande Mataram
Reiterate "the intensity and the vigour of the appeal an Indian patriot finds in the hymn. A return to Vivekananda philosophy.